Last demo update: 03/04/13, New demo available: Staff Removal in Music Scores.


Morphological Filtering in Shape Spaces:
Applications using Tree-Based Image Representations
DescriptionThis demo illustrates the framework of shape-based morphology presented in ICPR 2012. It is a generalization of the existing tree-based connected operators. This framework includes classical existing connected operators by attributes. And it also allows us to propose tow novel connected operators: shape-based lower/upper levelings and self-dual morphological shapings. This algorithm consists of tree and shape attribute calculation, a second tree representing (min-tree here) the first tree computation, second tree filtering, and an image reconstruction.
SpecificationsBest filtering results are obtained by choosing the relevant introduced operators such that the wanted or wanted shapes are presented on the tree representation used.
Estimated processing time: 0.5-10s (the code is not optimized yet).
StatusUnder active development.
Last update: September 2012
DisclaimerWe will never use/read/save any uploaded data for personal use. Only the last uploaded file and its associated results are stored on our servers during 15min for technical reasons.
Terms and conditions You are free to use the generated results for any usage. However, if they are used for research purpose, please refer to our library by citing the following paper: ``Morphological Filtering in Shape Spaces: Applications using Tree-Based Image Representations''.
Warning: do not open several tabs to send several images at the same time. You may not retrieve the expected results.

Choose one of the examples Upload an image
It must fulfill the following conditions:
  • 10 MB maximum.
  • Parameters
    Shape Morphological Operators Attribute  Reverse Attribute 
    Second Attribute 
    Filtering Strategy Area Threshold Value 
    Reconstruction Rule  Neighborhood 
    Results will be displayed here.

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