Last demo update: 03/04/13, New demo available: Staff Removal in Music Scores.


Document Binarization
DescriptionConvert greyscale and color images to a binary (1-bit) image. This algorithm is based on a multi-scale implementation of the Sauvola's binarization.
Specifications Estimated processing time: < 1s
StatusNo development planned for now.
Last update: September 2012
DisclaimerWe will never use/read/save any uploaded data for personal use. Only the last uploaded file and its associated results are stored on our servers during 15min for technical reasons.
Terms and conditions You are free to use the generated results for any usage. However, if they are used for research purpose, please refer to our library by citing the following paper:"Efficient Multiscale Sauvola's Binarization".
Warning: do not open several tabs to send several images at the same time. You may not retrieve the expected results.

Choose one of the examples Upload an image
It must fulfill the following conditions:
  • 20 MB maximum.
  • Parameters
    k2 k3 k4 Window size 
    Results will be displayed here.

    This algorithm has been developed in the context of the SCRIBO project of the Free Software Thematic Group, part of the "System@tic Paris-Région" cluster (France). This project is partially funded by the French Government, its economic development agencies, and by the Paris-Région institutions.

    Source code is released under GNU GPLv2 license in our Git repository (See Download section) and available online in scribo/src/binarization/

    - Copyright (C) 2010-2012 EPITA Research and Development Laboratory (LRDE) -