Application To Object Segmentation On The Tree Of Shapes |
Description | Detect relevant objects on the tree of shapes by using a context-based energy estimator presented in ICIP 2012. The minima of this snake-like ratio-cut estimator correspond to meaningful objects. This algorithm consists of tree and energy calculation and a filtering process to get rid of spurious minima. |
Specifications | Best results are obtained on the images where relevant objects are all presented on the tree of shapes. Estimated processing time: 5-30s (the code is not optimized yet) |
Status | Under active development Last update: May 2012 |
Disclaimer | We will never use/read/save any uploaded data for personal use. Only the last uploaded file and its associated results are stored on our servers during 15min for technical reasons. |
Terms and conditions | You are free to use the generated results for any usage. However, if they are used for research purpose, please refer to our library by citing the following paper:"Context-Based Energy Estimator : Application to Object Segmentation on the Tree of Shapes". |